Friday, July 11, 2008


sobbing in background
not to depress anyone lol
but crying is an interesting emotion.....if we didn't have it would we be happy all the time?? i forget what movie it is but im pretty sure it was enchanted and how she didn't understand tears cuz in her "animated" life everything was perfect....but in reality not everything is perfect and sometimes we all just need a good cry.
so me and crying......
when? why? how?
okay so i recently discovered that i got my dad's genes as far as crying......during youth conference talks i was a mess!!!!! and that im okay with!! when the music was super touching...
but i also have recently realized that i cry a loooooooot in movies!!!!
so last night im watching the singles 2nd ward and maaaaaaan i was crying!!!!! the dad and kirby heybourne are like sitting crying and it was sooooooooo sadddd!!!!!!
and then oh man the most embarrassing one would probably be toy story and it wasn't cuz i was sad or anything!!!!! it was like the end part and they were "flying" and the music got to me and i just remembered all my childhood memories and started crying!!!!!!
i cried in yours mine and ours lik tears streaming down at the end of that movie and i cried in enchanted (only at the movie theater) and game plan and this nanny movie we watched on the airplane back from hawaii lol........
so crying in movies w/ me is almost a given whenever i sit down to one!!!!!!
another time i'll start crying is if my sisters are hitting a big memorial type thing that i can remember doing and it makes me reaaaal sad to think about leaving home in lik 3 years and missing out on their man this is pretty sad !?! :'( like it was my sisters wizard of oz and i choked up pretty bad......or at my sister's graduation oh man
so yeah im actually a big cry baby lol
one more thing
music!!!!!! depressing music + a depressing day = meg--a mess!!!!!!!
like if i've had a reaaaaaaally hard day and then when i come home and turn on my ipod to a certain playlist maaaaaaaan!!!!!
okay so this post was pretty depressing
but i was thinking about crying last night
and oh btw (i dk if any guys are reading it)
but it pretty much breaks my heart to see you guys cry!?!?!
thats all for this rant
i'll probably do two for today just because lol
thanks for reading!!