Wednesday, July 16, 2008


so as most of you know im in UT right now in the lovely HOOOOT town of St. George
and yes i finally found a computer and was in the PERFECT mood to
raaaaaaaaant!!!!!!!! :]
okay so we're in the hotel room (which was waaaaaaaaaay nice! we're staying there w/ u whitney on our way up to UT so yeaaah and OH get this! u me and hayley get a room to ourselves!!!!! woot woot) anyways and i grabbed a towel
and im like wow! this towel is SOOOOOOO SMALL (and yes it was the right towel not lik a face towel)
so then i got to thinking about my past hotel stays and wondered

why are all hotel towels so small?

i mean seriously
there is no way a towel could fit an adult
like cmon
havent you people thought about that??
did they make them for the children and then lost all the adult sizes??
cuz unlike a scarf--one towel does not fit all!
and im a tall girl
and its ANNOYING!!!!
then you go outside and see the hotel pool towels
and they are like huuuuuuuuuuuuge!!!!!!!!!!
anyways this was kinda a lame post
so i'll do another one in a


Stacy said...

LOL about the hotel towels! Try using them when you are hugely pregnant like me! It was not a pretty sight!
My in-laws use those sized towels (maybe they stole them from hotels???) at home and it drives me crazy when we go visit them to use their tiny towels.

Anonymous said...

okay meg ur definitely officialy insane!!!!!!!!! ur so random but i luv u anyways!!!!!!!!!